The redevelopment of Lingard Private Hospital located in Merewether, NSW saw the addition of the Lingard Day Centre which was constructed using precast concrete panels. The construction of the Day Centre allows for the hospital to expand their current facilities to include an additional 16 consultative suites, a 3 storey car park and a cafe.
Location: Merewether St, Merewether
Client: Red Eye Constructions, Pty Ltd
Value: $300,000
Project Scope:
- External wall panels, lift shaft and fire stairs with concrete lids
- Provide shop drawings
- Manufacture, deliver and install precast concrete panels
- Allow for jointing, grouting, panel brackets and temporary props as required
Project Size:
- 47 of 150mm thick precast concrete panels totalling 873sqm
- 2 of 350mm thick blank precast concrete signage panels