The Aldi store building redevelopment was implemented to cater for growth in the area. The design of the new building is a reflection of the updated Aldi brand styling, it includes architectural features with improved navigation and modern styling.
Location: Thomas Street, Edgeworth
Client: Kingston Building Australia
Value: Approx. $500K
Overall Project cost for Kingston was $4.2M
Project Scope:
- Provide shop drawings
- Supply and install decorative precast concrete wall panels
- Supply and Install structural steel
- Surface treatment of structural steel
- Supply and install of purlins and bridging
- Provide grating and stairs for plant deck access
- Allow for jointing as required, grouting, panel brackets and temporary props
Project Size:
- Approximately 74, 150mm thick precast concrete wall panels, total 1530m² in area.
- Approximately 40t structural steel
- Approximately 1800meters purlins and bridging
Features of development:
- Architectural feature in Panels